To supplement or not, that is the question... and then how much?

  • Catherine Louise Bekker
Keywords: supplementation, pregnancy


In a world that is constantly looking for a quick fix or easy answers, should we be encouraging our patients to take multivitamins and other supplements during pregnancy to ensure a healthy outcome? Or are there any other options? What do we know about supplementation and what the requirements are for the pregnant woman? We know that a folic acid deficiency causes neural tube defects, and that pregnant women are generally prone to anaemia, but what are the dangers that can incur with other micronutrient deficiencies? And then we find that there are so many products on the market. How do we possibly guide our patients as to which products are the best for them?

Author Biography

Catherine Louise Bekker
Registered Nurse, BCur (General, Surgical, Community, Midwifery)UP
Mother and Child Health