Through my eyes: A patient's story of surviving breast cancer

  • Carrie Brown
Keywords: Breast cancer, oncology nursing, patient testimony


‘And I sentence you to death!’ the judge said, ‘Death by lethal injection!’ – words of horror for a criminal awaiting punishment. Imagine an innocent person’s thoughts as they judge orders their toxic death- just a bystander accused of something they did not do and now about be punished – about to die. The panic, fear and loneliness, without escape or solace – what a nightmare! My sentencing came unexpectedly. Minding my own way through life’s ‘predictable’ journey (or at least that is what I thought) had not prepared me for cancer – aggressive breast cancer, removal of the breast, spreading to the lymph nodes, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and ultimately a painful death. I was going to appeal – I was going to fight this trial with all my heart, body and soul. I was only 27 years old when the battle began and it was to be long and hard.

Author Biography

Carrie Brown
Patient and author of "Losing My Balance"
Oncology Nursing