Taking a closer look at what we understand about negative pressure wound therapy

  • Bronwyn Green
Keywords: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)


Negative pressure has become a very valuable adjunct to wound care therapy over the last few years. This can be largely attributed to work that was carried out by Morykwas and Argenta in 1997. In a series of three articles, they describe a new method for wound control and treatment for open wounds by using open-cell foam as a wound interface (wound filler). An occlusive dressing was used to create an airtight seal so that subatmospheric pressure could be applied to the wound.

Author Biography

Bronwyn Green
BCUR (hons), Cert Wound Care (University Herfordshire), Cert Burn Care (American Burns Association) Clinical Wound Care Specialist
Wound care/Stoma care