Hearing loss: The invisible enemy

  • Chèzne Van Zyl Kind2Hearing and Impact Hearing Systems
Keywords: hearing loss, hearing impairment


A hearing impairment is frequently overlooked, but is more common than we choose to believe. Various factors can lead to congenital or acquired hearing loss, which include maternal rubella, birth asphyxia, meningitis, noise exposure, trauma and aging. Nurses play an important part in the appropriate and timely referral of individuals for a hearing assessment. Very often, caretakers will notice a hearing impairment before that person even knows it themselves. People with a hearing disability have difficulty following conversations, especially in noisy places, struggle to follow complex instructions and often have tinnitus. A knowledge of hearing loss and hearing devices may give substantial social support to improve an individual’s experience in this process and with hearing devices. An audiologist assesses hearing abilities by using a battery of tests to determine the degree and configuration of hearing loss, to determine the appropriate treatment plan for auditory rehabilitation. The fitting of hearing devices prevents auditory deprivation. Auditory deprivation is described as a substantial decrease in hearing ability and one’s ability to process speech. The early identification and treatment of these individuals will greatly improve their quality of life.

Author Biography

Chèzne Van Zyl, Kind2Hearing and Impact Hearing Systems
BCommunication Pathology: Audiology, UP Product & Software Support Kind2Hearing and Impact Hearing Systems